How I managed my concentration for MBA study

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This article in Japanese

The reason why I was able to complete the MBA in 3 months is because of the concentration I was able to maintain.

Honestly, the most effective way to maintain my concentration was to think that if I study harder and faster, the more I can save money in tuition.

That was the biggest motivation for me.

If I don’t do a good job and add another term, I needed to use another $4,325.

See the tuition comparison chart here

Please imagine if you had $4,325 of free money in your hand right now.

You are able to buy almost anything with that big money.

It is possible only if you try hard enough.

If one of your reason why you want to earn a MBA degree is to earn more money,
then you are on the right track. You should try to earn it with the less possible rate in the world.

All the tips to make that happen is written in my MBA page,

Try the tips like I did and I hope you have a successful MBA study!

After receiving MBA

posted in: MBA | 0

This article in Japanese

After I received my MBA, things have changed around me.

1. I got promoted

I was able to earn more money than I invested to myself in a year. People were asking “How were you able to do it while working normal hours?”.

The answer is simple. It was just more hours of study after work, and studying all Saturdays and Sundays.

Also a big factor is my family’s good support.

2. People looked at me in a good way

People looked at me like I was smart. How they looked at me has totally changed in a good way. They were giving me credit for my effort.

I noticed that there were more people coming to me for advice and consultation.

It seems like I was able to gain trust from what I had accomplished. It was obvious that I was gaining trust from even the new people I met who even doesn’t know me very well.

3. Final conclusion

It was definitely worth the time and investment. If I knew I was able to achieve these benefits, I would of started sooner.

How I did it is written in my website.

I hope if I could make others successful as well by sharing how I did it.

Thank you for reading!